Scary Movie 2 (2001)

Scary Movie 2 (2001)

Scary Movie 2 (2001)

0A group of teens including Cindy Campbell and Brenda Meeks are invited to spend a night in Hell House. Professor Oldman has convinced them it is for a school project, but the night won’t go past quietly. Master Kane is long dead, but still plans on enjoying himself, especially with Alex Monday. When things really ..

Scary Movie (2000)

Scary Movie (2000)

Scary Movie (2000)

0A group of teenagers including Cindy Campbell and Bobby Prinze, accidentally hit a man when driving, and dispose of the body, but now they are being stalked by a very recognisable masked killer. The victim count increases, whilst Cindy must survive the carnage that has she has seen in so many films before. Download: Scary ..