Satanic Panic (2019)

Satanic Panic (2019)

Satanic Panic (2019)

0A pizza delivery girl at the end of her financial rope has to fight for her life – and her tips – when her last order of the night turns out to be high society Satanists in need of a virgin sacrifice. Download: Satanic Panic

Phantom Halo (2014)

Phantom Halo (2014)

Phantom Halo (2014)

0Brothers Samuel and Beckett Emerson are barely scraping by. Their father, Warren, continues to gamble and drink away any money they bring home. With all the havoc that is constantly going on in their lives, the family members each find solace in his own way, through Shakespeare, comic books and impossible love affairs. Beckett seizes ..

X-Men: The Last Stand (2006)

X-Men: The Last Stand (2006)

X-Men: The Last Stand (2006)

0It has been several months since The X-Men stopped William Stryker, but that victory came at a price: they have lost Jean Grey when she tried to save them from the collapsed reservoir. Scott Summers (Cyclops) is still grieving about her loss. One day, he comes out to the place where Jean Grey sacrificed herself. ..

X-Men (2000)

X-Men (2000)

X-Men (2000)

0In a world where both Mutants and Humans fear each other, Marie, better known as Rogue, runs away from home and hitches a ride with another mutant, known as Logan, a.k.a. Wolverine. Charles Xavier, who owns a school for young mutants, sends Storm and Cyclops to bring them back before it is too late. Magneto, ..