Son of Batman (2014)

Son of Batman (2014)

Son of Batman (2014)

0Ra’s al Ghul is dead, slain by former League of Assassin Slade Wilson, aka Deathstroke. His victory is not without a cost, the price his right eye; taken by Ra’s own grandson Damien. Fearing for her sons’ safety Talia al Ghul decides now is the time for the boy to meet his father. Half a ..

Batman: Bad Blood (2016)

Batman: Bad Blood (2016)

Batman: Bad Blood (2016)

0Bruce Wayne is missing. Alfred covers for him while Nightwing and Robin patrol Gotham City in his stead. And a new player, Batwoman, investigates Batman’s disappearance. Download: Batman: Bad Blood

Batman vs. Robin (2015)

Batman vs. Robin (2015)

Batman vs. Robin (2015)

0While Damian Wayne struggles to cope with Batman’s no-killing rule, he soon starts to believe that his destiny lies within a secret society known as, The Court of Owls. Download